Thursday, July 30, 2015

Faith like a little child.

People were bringing little children to Jesus to have Him touch them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw what they were doing, He was irate and let them know it. "Don't push these children away. Don't ever get between them and me! These children are at the very center of life in the kingdom. Mark this. Unless you accept God's kingdom in the simplicity of a child, you'll never get in. And He took the children in His arms, put His hands on them, and blessed them. 

Mark 10: 13-16

I remember a time when it wasn't so hard or scary to dream big. 

It wasn't so long ago that I had dreamed of living abroad for the rest of my twenties, 
dreamed of opening a center for children with disabilities in an unreached area of Uganda, 
dreamed of opening my home and heart to the poorest of the poor. 

Salary? Didn't need it. 
Status? Didn't want it. 
Material comforts? Overrated. 
Boyfriend? I was confident that would come eventually. 

As I get older, I find it becoming harder and harder to dream so limitlessly. 
These days, I often find the dreams of my youth stifled by small, but common worries. 

How can I just pick up my life and lay it down for the poor?
What about paying off loans for school (not to mention, accruing interest)? 
What about that dream I once had of marrying young?
What about the family and friends I'm leaving behind?
What about my desire for material comforts, like air conditioner, wifi, warm showers, smoothly paved roads, and Korean food? 

Lately I feel the pull of the Holy Spirit, beckoning my heart back into that place of childlike faith. I want to be brought back to that place of simplicity and childlike trust in the Father. Full of joy, wonder, and unhindered by the world around me. I want to walk through the messy places, the victory places, and all the in-between places with my Savior Jesus. He is my life giver. And He loves me. 

Wherever He calls me, let my answer be "Yes." For He is a good and trustworthy God.  

Cast all your anxiety upon Jesus, for He cares for us. 1 Peter 5:7

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